We deliver powerhouse services to you on a boutique scale.
Our agents have experienced just about every stage of a homeowner’s journey. We understand the excitement of first-timers, the expectancy of move-up buyers, and the difficulties of saying goodbye to the home in which you’ve raised your family. We’re also attuned to the unique needs of military families, and we’re honored to assist those who live to serve. As such, we’re determined to take care of you and nurture our relationship as you embark on your next chapter.
You’re an integral part of the entire process at The Exception Realty as we pass our knowledge, expertise, and value directly to you. Our founder — and passionate motivator, teacher, and leader — Andrea Florez, encourages our open, friendly approach and desire to see you flourish. We want nothing more than for you to feel comfortable and confident in choosing us to represent you. That’s why we do everything in our power to secure your trust before and after the sale.